
Bipedal spider-people. A humanoid.

Imagine a tall, lanky human with long skinny arms and legs each ending with three claws. Its head is that of a spider, with four beady eyes and its mouth hidden behind two fleshy hooks.

Sprawling gait, Calculated patience, Self-sufficient.

HD: 2 Armor: none
Hit it: normal Dodge it: normal
Move: normal, climb normal  

It is immune to the sticky effect of spider webs. It can see in the dark, detect anything in contact with a web it is touching, and climb on any surface, even upside down. It can’t see very far.

Attacks (1/round)

Claws. The ettercap makes two melee attacks (1D4).

Bite. The ettercap makes one melee attack inflicting poison damage (1D4). On a hit the target must save or be poisoned.

Web. The ettercap makes a ranged attack. On a hit, the target is grappled.

Silk Garotte. The ettercap makes one melee attack (1D4). On a hit, the target is grappled, muted, and can’t breathe.

Ettercap Venom. Save or be poisoned, save again each day to cure. Poisoned fairies lose all their powers.

Random Encounter
  1. Monster: 1D4 ettercaps, hiding.
  2. Lair: Treetop nest-huts made of spider silk.
    Omen: A lure dangling from spider silk.
  3. Spoor: Creature hanging from a spider silk noose.
  4. Tracks: Spider silk zip lines.
  5. Trace: Headless, dried pixie hanging from spider silk.
  6. Trace: [Trap] Spider web.
Salvaging the body


You find the monster’s weapons and … (Roll as many times as the HD of the monster)

  1. nothing.
  2. nothing.
  3. 1D4x5’ of spider silk rope.
  4. A silk pouch with teeth in it.
  5. A bone flute that lulls spiders.
  6. A sticky ball.

Ettercap venom sacks can be salvaged, producing one dose of venom.

2D6 Ettercap Cultures

Combine the result of both tables to get the broad lines of this humanoid culture in this part of the world.


  1. The ones that live in silk huts atop the forest’s canopy.
  2. The ones that live in damp caves near water sources.
  3. The ones that live in camouflaged dirt dens.
  4. The ones that live in dome-like silk factories.
  5. The ones that travel the world atop gigantic daddy long-legs.
  6. The ones that live among us.


  1. They guard a portal to the fey world, eating anything that comes out.
  2. They are cursed human followers of the exiled spider goddess, secretly preserving her rites and traditions.
  3. They are extremely rich because of the silk trade.
  4. They are members of a secret assassin cult.
  5. They are in the middle of a civil war between the ground-dwellers and the ceiling-dwellers.
  6. By royal decree, they are the princess’s tailors.
Player Class

Play as an Ettercap!

Written on November 14, 2020